Twin Tunnels Protest 1.5.16

Protest of CSPA, C-WIN & AquAlliance of the Petitions “Requesting Changes in Water Rights of the Department of Water Resources and US Bureau of Reclamation of the California Waterfix Project”

Click here to view the Protest document. (Yellow highlights show our specific section, although we contributed to other areas.)

No tunnels symbolThis protest demonstrates how AquAlliance is again representing the NorthState in a way that local governments are not. Butte County was the most possible entrant into the fray fighting the Twin Tunnels before the State Water Resources Control Board. Here was the response to our questions about their involvement:

The County is going to continue to be actively involved in the WaterFix Project especially through the SWRCB proceedings. But we will not be putting in a notice to appear or to provide testimony for the April 7th hearing. I expect that we will be commenting at various points along the way.”

They will comment without creating legal standing. What this means is that they are not formally protesting the permits or planning to try to stop the Tunnels as are AquAlliance and our colleagues.